Sunday, November 24, 2013
Civil Society Walkout Births Breakthrough Agreements In Warsaw
In a face-saving measure to mitigate the effect of yesterday’s walkout by civil society organisations, Governments at the UN Climate Change Conference in Warsaw on Friday agreed to a set of decisions on ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and the degradation of forests. The agreement on the so-called REDD+ initiative is backed by pledges of 280 million dollars in financing from the US, Norway and the UK.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Africa Leads the World out of Warsaw Talks
By Atayi Babs
Negotiations at the ongoing climate talks in Warsaw took a dramatic turn today as over 800 delegates representing different civil society organisations staged a historic walkout at the conference. The delegates under the umbrella of an amalgam of civil society organisations from Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas led by the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), Greenpeace International, Oxfam, WWF, and ActionAid. Others include the International Trade Union Confederation, Friends of the Earth Europe and
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HISTORIC: Civil Society Organisations walk out of the COP 19 |
Negotiations at the ongoing climate talks in Warsaw took a dramatic turn today as over 800 delegates representing different civil society organisations staged a historic walkout at the conference. The delegates under the umbrella of an amalgam of civil society organisations from Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas led by the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), Greenpeace International, Oxfam, WWF, and ActionAid. Others include the International Trade Union Confederation, Friends of the Earth Europe and
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
La question du cyclone somalienne est évoquée à Varsovie
Par Diane Nininahazwe
Les négociateurs à la conférence sur le climat en cours à Varsovie, en Pologne ne devraient pas prendre à la légère la question du cyclone tropical qui a fait ravage en somalie la semaine dernière. L’avis de la société civile présente à Varsovie qui s et exprimée ce vendredi sous l’égide de l’alliance pan africaine pour la justice climatique ( PACJA )
Monday, November 18, 2013
By Atayi Babs
Negotiators at the ongoing Climate conference in Warsaw, Poland have been urged not to relegate the severity of the tropical cyclone that killed over 100 people in Somalia last week. Leaders of African civil society organisations under the umbrella of Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) made this declaration today as the climate conference enters its final week.
Civil society organizations march amidst gloomy negotiation picture at Warsaw.
By Elias NtungweNgalame
Over 3000 delegates from civil society organizations
across the globe at the WARSAW climate conference staged a more than three
hours street march amidstwhat observers have described as a gloomy picture of ongoing
negotiations since last week. The civil society actors said they were
expressing their frustration against the low commitment to implementation on
the part of polluter-countries and evidence of another futile and fruitless
negotiation exercise in Warsaw.
By Atayi Babs
The coalition of African civil
society organisations participating at the ongoing Warsaw Climate talks under
the aegis of the Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) has issued a
strong condemnation of Japan’s goalpost-shifting tactics.
Japan announced its new 2020
emissions reduction target at the UN climate negotiations in Poland. While
parties are negotiating to raise the level of ambition during this year’s
meeting, Japan has now abandoned their 25% reduction target from 1990, and
proposed 3.1% increase compared to 1990 levels.
AUDIO: Civil Society Protest in Warsaw
Des centaines de personnes ont descendues dans les rues de Varsovie en Pologne l’après-midi de ce samedi pour réclamer la justice climatique. Clamant « Climate justice now »,ou encore « polutters must pay» ,ces manifestants ont fait un trajet équivalent a 6km et se disent ne pas être prêt à renoncer le combat climatique .Parmi les plus grand manifestants,figuraient les membres de l'alliance pan africaine pour la justice climatique PACJA..Reportage de Diane NININAHAZWE
Des centaines de personnes ont descendues dans les rues de Varsovie en Pologne l’après-midi de ce samedi pour réclamer la justice climatique. Clamant « Climate justice now »,ou encore « polutters must pay» ,ces manifestants ont fait un trajet équivalent a 6km et se disent ne pas être prêt à renoncer le combat climatique .Parmi les plus grand manifestants,figuraient les membres de l'alliance pan africaine pour la justice climatique PACJA..Reportage de Diane NININAHAZWE
Sunday, November 17, 2013
For a meaningful progress, African Ministers must sit down and negotiate at COP 19
By Isaiah Esipisu
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African Civil Society handing over their demands to negotiators |
the negotiations at the highest decision making authority on how to tackle
climate change enters the critical political stage, the outgoing chair of the
African group of negotiators has warned if African ministers do not remain
vigilant, decisions will be taken without their inputs.
have already done our technical part in the negotiations, and we are already advising
the ministers accordingly. But if they do not sit in to ensure that the African
demands are adhered to, then decisions will be made, and they will be binding
to their countries whether they like it or not,” said Dlamini Emmanuel, the
outgoing chair of the African team.
Ministers of Environment from all the parties (countries) will join the
negotiators as from Nov 18 to Nov 22 to take decisions and agree on particular
issues following the one week long negotiations that begun on Nov 11, 2013 in
Warsaw, Poland.
Friday, November 15, 2013
COP 19: Negotiators Laud African Civil Society Group
Warsaw: 15/11/13
contributions of African civil society organisations to the
consolidation of the African position at the ongoing Climate talks in
Warsaw have been described as “integral and far-reaching”. The Chair of
the African Group of Negotiators (AGN), Dlamini Emmanuel, expressed his
appreciation of the activities of the CSOs at meeting with the coalition
of African civil societies led by the Pan-African Climate Justice
Alliance (PACJA).
Les organisations de la société civile présentent leurs revendications au président du Groupe africain des négociateurs.
Alors que les négociations lors de la 19e session de la
Conférence des Parties ( COP19 ) sont à leurs cinquième jour, les organisations
de la société civile africaine sous l'égide de Pan AfricanClimate Justice
Alliance ( PACJA ) ont remis leur proposition au président du Groupe des
négociateurs africains
S'exprimant lors de la remise de ces propositions, le président Dlamini Emmanuel a rassuré la société civile que même si le processus de négociation est un processus lent , il espère qu'il y aura une solution d'ici la fin de la journée.
S'exprimant lors de la remise de ces propositions, le président Dlamini Emmanuel a rassuré la société civile que même si le processus de négociation est un processus lent , il espère qu'il y aura une solution d'ici la fin de la journée.
Immediate release
AfricansCivil Society Organizations handover their demands to the Chair of
African Group of Negotiators.
the negotiations at the 19th session of the Conference of Parties
(COP19) under the United Nation Framework Convection on Climate Change entered
the fifth day, the African Civil Society Organisations under the umbrella of
Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) have handed over their position to
the Chair of the African Group of Negotiators (AGN).
during the handover at the Warsaw National Stadium in Warsaw, Poland, the Chair
– AGN MrDlamini Emmanuel assured the civil society that though the negotiation
process is a slow and gradual process, he is hopeful that there will be a
solution by the end of the day.
Varsovie n’épargne pas les difficultés liées à l’agriculture et les migrations climatiques
Diane Nininahazwe
L’Alliance pan Africaine pour la justice climatique,PACJAcontinue à multiplier différents événements parallèles à la COP 19 qui se tienne à Varsovie , en Pologne, rejoignant ainsi d'autres organisations de la société civile d'Amérique du Sud et l'Inde pour mettre en évidence la situation des impacts du changement climatique dans leurs différentes communautés .
Africans seek clarity on climate finance at Warsaw talks
By Elias Ntungwe Ngalame
WARSAW (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - African
negotiators and climate activists have called on wealthy nations at U.N.
climate talks in Warsaw to say how they will boost funding for African
and other developing states to adapt to climate change and pursue green
“African governments need access to climate funds. These funds are needed for climate adaptation, mitigation and technology transfer, capacity building and forest conservation,” Joseph Armathe Amougou, head of the Cameroon delegation at the climate conference, told Thomson Reuters Foundation. “Most of the money promised is still to be made available by donors and we think Warsaw is the place for a decision to be taken.’’
“African governments need access to climate funds. These funds are needed for climate adaptation, mitigation and technology transfer, capacity building and forest conservation,” Joseph Armathe Amougou, head of the Cameroon delegation at the climate conference, told Thomson Reuters Foundation. “Most of the money promised is still to be made available by donors and we think Warsaw is the place for a decision to be taken.’’
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Warsaw talks: Amidst Frustration, African Team
Mulls Pull-out
14/11/13: In the face of low commitment to implementation on the part
of polluter-countries, the African team at the ongoing climate talks
comprising key continental negotiators and civil society organisations
has hinted at the possibility of staging a walkout.
Same Bed, Different Dreams as Climate Change Tightens Grip.
Labeja in Kampala
The Uganda government is highly concerned about the prevailing food security situation in the country as effects of Climate Change take toll on Agriculture and Trade.
as the country’s delegation gathers in Warsaw Poland for the annual discussions
on Climate Change. It says there is increased water logging challenges in flat
plains that often result into flooding.
African CSOs Demand Protection and Resettlement of Forced Climate Migrants
A call for a comprehensive legal framework for the
protection and assistance of people displaced by climate change has been made. The
Coalition of African Civil Society Organisations led by the Pan-African Climate
Justice Alliance (PACJA) made this call during a side event it organised with
EquityBD at the ongoing 19th session of the UN Warsaw Climate Conference.
Le réchauffement de l’Afrique pourrait augmenter de 5 degré Celsius d’ici la fin du siècle si on croit aux experts réunis à Varsovie pour le COP 19
Diane Nininahazwe
Les pays présents à Varsovie sont unanime, la
planète se réchauffe :Cinq degrés d’augmentation de la température
terrestre d’ici la fin du siècle, 80 centimètres d’élévation des eaux…Aucun
continent n’est certes jusqu’ ici épargné mais l’Afrique dit avoir déjà
commencé à subir particulièrement les impacts dévastateurs de
ce réchauffement et des changements climatiques qui se traduisent par des
inondations ,de la sècheresse et
autres évènements extrêmes de plus en plus nombreux qui frappent des
population déjà pauvres et renforce leurs vulnérabilités.
Augustine B Njamnshi comment after a Meeting with Africa Lead Negotiator -Finance and the chair for climate finance
to Listen - CLICK HERE
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Mithika Mwenda - Right hands over the Civil Society position document to African negotiators at COP 19 in Warsaw, Poland |
High Expectations at UN Climate Change Conference in Warsaw
By Elias Ntungwe Ngalame in Warsaw
The UN Climate
change conference began on Monday November 11, 2013 with calls for governments
to harness the strong groundswell of action on climate change across all levels
including, business and society and make real progress here towards a
successful, global climate change agreement in 2015.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Sam Ogallah of PACJA speaking at a side event at COP 19
The impact of Climate Change on Africa;
CLick here to listen to the clip
CLick here to listen to the clip
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Poor African farmers are suffering the brunt climate change |
Finance, emissions budget and loss and damage
Key demands of African Civil Society
Warsaw, Poland - TODAY - Civil society groups across Africa demanded that developed countries fulfil and implement their commitments under the UN climate convention, in order to fairly share a necessary 'emissions budget', and avoid catastrophic climate change.At a press conference held immediately after the opening session of the 19th session of the UN Warsaw Climate Conference, the group said that Africa is in the frontline for climate change impacts.
(AUDIO)-Civil Society organisations point out their expectations at COP 19 in Warsaw
To listen to the Audio, Click here
A representative of the African civil society groups (Mithika Mwenda) speaks out at the UNFCCC COP 19 in Warsaw, Poland.
A representative of the African civil society groups (Mithika Mwenda) speaks out at the UNFCCC COP 19 in Warsaw, Poland.
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Civil Society members protesting at Warsaw Cop 19 |
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
society groups across Africa demanded that developed countries fulfil
and implement their commitments under the UN climate convention, in
order to fairly share a necessary 'emissions budget', and avoid
catastrophic climate change.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Finance, emissions budget and loss and damage Key demands of African Civil Society |
Poland - TODAY - Civil society groups across Africa demanded that
developed countries fulfil and implement their commitments under the UN
climate convention, in order to fairly share a necessary 'emissions
budget', and avoid catastrophic climate change.
Friday, November 8, 2013
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