By Arison TAMFU
Energy, clean energy has just reached
Bamdzeng and Kingomen villages in the North West of Cameroon and the lives of
the villagers might never be the same againbut the dawn of renewable energy could
just be a curse for Africa that is now endowed with deposits of fossil fuels.

trekked for more than one hour to reach here. The health center in our village
cannot perform risky delivery at night because there is no electricity there”
says the distressed husband impatiently waiting for his new born baby. Things move
faster than expected.
Nurses quickly switch on the lights, start the delivery process
and in less than three hours, the cry of a baby is heard. She is delivered of a
healthy boy and she is in good shape.
few weeks ago, delivery at this time of the day was impossible. We were using
torches and lamps to deliver pregnant women and in most cases, it was a deadly
venture. The arrival of electricity here has changed everything” says a
delighted Rahina Tou Dzemoyua, assistant director of the center.
A few
kilometers away, Ardo Abdou Karimu, a respected community figure of Kingomen
village reflects on how electrification of the village has changed the lives of
the villagers.
children now do their school homework under a solar light at night andthey are
performing very well in school. We charge our phone batteries easily and we are
able to make callsall the time to our relatives and business partners.
Importantly, our standard of living has increased considerably” says Abdou
and Rahina remember with a sense of humour the first day solar panels arrived
the village.
“It was
like a miracle. The came and placed them on the rooftop of my house and in the
evening we had light. My children thought it was witchcraft. We only discovered
that it`s night time by 8pm because there was lighteverywhere” Abdourecalls hysterically.
“It was
like darkness has been defeated by light. I could not imagine that the sun
could be used for electricity” Rahina says.
project was born out of the need to improve the livelihoods of the people,
alleviate poverty and fight against climate change. We are moving to a new
world now” says Stephen Njodzeka Ndzerem, development analyst and managing
director of Shumas Cameroon, the organisation that brought renewable energy to
the two villages. Shumas works in special consultation status with the UN economic
and social council (ECOSOC).
The two
villages,nowusing hydroelectricity, solar and wind power represent a new form
of energy that has come to stay and is gaining ground gradually and surely
across the African continent-renewable energy.
“At the
moment, the continent is witnessing a lot of green revolution and renewable
energy projects being initiated. There also seems to be a positive shift in
mentality towards renewable energy amongst African Governments” says
MithikaMwenda of Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), a civil society
organisation defending the position of Africa under the United Nations
Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC).
energy is energy generated from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain,
tides and geothermal heat which are naturally replenished.
The sun
shines almost daily throughout most of Sub-Saharan Africa, but most of the
population – more than 620 million people — lives in the dark according tothe
International Energy Agency (IEA). This extreme energy poverty in a region so
rich in radiant sunlight presents both a paradox and an opportunity for a big
part of the solution in powering Africa. Statistics from IEA indicate that
Africa currently derives less than two percent of its energy mix from renewable
Vaccine for Climate change
Abdou Karimu is pleased that electricityhas finally reached his village, yet he
is very worried that things are turning upside-down for him and his family.
climate is changing. Rains come and go at any time. We don’t know precisely
when to plant our crops and when to stop. Last year we almost went hungry
because rains delayed a lot. Water is becoming scarce. We can`t feed our cows because
green grass is disappearing” he laments.
worries are familiar across the African continent where droughts, erratic
rainfall, floods are affecting millions. Scientists predict that climate change
could mean even longer, more unpredictable seasons and more extreme weather
events andunprecedented rising sea levels.World leaders agree that there is
urgent need to provide a therapy for climate change.
some problems that we face, this one already has a ready-made solution provided
by mankind that is staring us in the face: The solution to climate change is
energy policy” U.S Secretary of State John Kerry said during the last UN climate
change conferencedubbed COP20, in December 2014 in Peru.
energy policy according to scientists is a switch to renewable energy.The main scientific
authority on climate change, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) has underscored that renewable energy is one of the major ways of curing
climate change because it is clean and does not emit dangerous greenhouse gases
into atmosphere.
addition to its importance to climate change, there’s another compelling reason
to develop renewable resources in Africa: rapidly growing energy demand. As acute
as Africa’s energy poverty is today, it could become even worse without
aggressive efforts to develop more resources. IEA predicts that even if a
projected one billion people gain access to electricity by the year 2040, rapid
population growth will mean that some 530 million people will still live
without it. And as Africa shifts from a primarily rural society to an
increasingly urban one, more of its people will be living middle class
lifestyles that require more electricity in their homes and workplaces. With a
growing number of people seeking to light their homes and generate power for
businesses, farms and manufacturing, the squeeze on resources will become
unsustainable unless renewable resources become part of the mix according to
Karimu is shocked to hear that a major solution to his climate problem is the
solar energy that has been provided him free of charge.
wonders: “Why don`t they provide this kind of energy everywhere? It is very
good for us in the village. People come every day from several villages asking
me how they can have the energy. Why is the government delaying?” Naïve as he
may sound but he poses a key problem that currently divides the world in
climate change negotiations. What Abdou does not know is that renewable energy
means good and bad news for Africa.
Goodbye Fossil Fuels?
Here is
the good news: Africa`s extractive industry is booming. Countries across the
continent more than ever before are now endowed with fossil fuel deposits.
Fossil fuels consist of gas used for cooking and heating, oil that is mainly
used for transport and coal used to generate electricity.Six of the top 10
global discoveries in the oil and gas sectors in 2013 were made in Africa, with
more than 500 companies currently exploring deposits on the continent according
to PwC, the world’s leading advisor to the energy industry.
discoveries mean a lot for Africa. It means money; trillions of dollars. It
means economic growth, job creation and fundamentally poverty alleviation. It will revamp the continent” says economist,
Dr. Emmanuel Mumfor.
Here is
the bad news: Fossil fuels are a threat to the existence of mankind. Scientists
agree that emissions from fossil fuels account for approximately 60 percent of
the dangerous greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere causing
global warming.The biggest emitters are China and America. Africa has
contributed very minimal to global warming but IPCC has made it clear that 80
per cent of known global fossil fuel reserves would need to remain unexploited
for the international community to reach its declared goal of staying below a
maximum two degrees Celsius world average temperature rise. In brief: stop
fossil fuels and move to renewable sources of energy.
this mean is that Africa`s dreams of exploiting and obtaining gains from the
oil deposits will be shattered. Essentially this should be a problem for
developed countries that have been emitting these greenhouse gases for decades.
Africa needs to equally grow its economy by exploiting the fossil fuels” says
Dr. Mumfor.
COP20 John Kerry stressed that the call to get rid of fossil fuels was meant
for all nations without exception.
course industrialized countries have to play a major role in reducing
emissions, but that doesn’t mean that other nations are just free to go off and
repeat the mistakes of the past and that they somehow have a free pass to go to
the levels that we’ve been at where we understand the danger. Now, I know this
is difficult for developing nations but we have to remember that today more
than half of global emissions are coming from developing nations” Kerry said.
Obama has committed the United States to the goal of generating 20% of its
electricity from renewable sources by 2030. China has increased their power generation
from renewables from really nothing 10 years ago - and now it's 25% according
to IEA.
Africa`s Position
December in Paris this year, a high level UN climate change conference will
bring world leaders together to decide on the right path to tackle climate
change. It is at this conference that the world will take a final and
legally-binding stand on energy choicesamongst other things. Already, Africa is
making its position clear.
categorically reject the idea that Africa has to choose between growth and
low-carbon development. Africa needs to utilize all of its energy assets in the
short term, while building the foundations for a competitive, low-carbon energy
infrastructure” saysKofi Annan, former UN Secretary General and Chair of the
Africa Progress Panel. “But Africa has enormous potential for cleaner energy.
Unlocking Africa’s clean energy potential can drive growth and create jobs.
Africa can grow and show the way for the rest of the world by gradually
replacing fossil fuels with renewable sources and embracing a judicious,
dynamic energy mix”he adds.
to move to renewable are generally referred to as mitigation but Africa also
wants adaptation, that is, those activities that make people, ecosystems and
infrastructure less vulnerable to theimpacts of climate change to be given
is highlighting the need for mitigation target and also multilateral
legally-binding agreement that will ensure that the objective of the emission
reduction will be achieved, finances secured, technology transferred and means
of implementation. Africa also wants to ensure that adaptation is fully
considered and given the same priority as mitigation because for us in Africa
adaptation is the key priority in the 2015 agreement. That is why Africa will
not sign any Paris agreement that will not include its demands ” says Nagmeldin
Goutbi Elhassan, Chairman of the African Group of Negotiators under the United
Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Ndzerem says bringing renewable energy to Bamdzeng and Kingomen was a difficult
lacked finance and technology and the technicians.” That alone signals a main
problem for the continent.Switching to renewablesrequires money, lots of it and
technology and capacity building.
“We are
looking forward to getting the flow of know-how and financial resources” says
Dr. Khaled Fahmy African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN)
President and Minister of Environment of Egypt. African civil society is quite
“And the
finances, technology, capacity building and the rest must comefrom those
responsible for emitting gases into the air. They need to lead the mitigation efforts”
adds Mithika of PACJA.
Kerry disagrees: “No single country, not even the United States, can solve this
problem or foot this bill alone. It is literally impossible.”
So, at
the end of the day, sadly Abdou and millions like him that are experiencing the
adverse consequences of climate change will have to wait for a while, a long
long while before a concrete solution is achieved. Paris Conference promises to
be extremely controversial.
generations will surely judge these leaders not by principles they set out in
communiqués but by the actions they took to eradicate poverty, build shared
prosperity and protect our children’s children from climate disaster. The
global climate moment can be Africa’s moment to lead the world” says Kofi Annan.
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