By Sellina Nkowani

The ministers met today on the sidelines
of the COP21 conference after a brief meeting with UN Secretary General, Ban
The meeting which was also a
platform for ministers to get updates from the African Group of Negotiators
(AGN) on the on-going negotiations was attended by over 50 environment
ministers from Africa.
In his speech to the ministers,
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, said though Climate Change is
just one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), failure to address it
properly will result in failure to implement the other 16 goals.
“It is critically important that we
have a vision implemented in Paris. Africa is particularly vulnerable to the
effects of climate change. Much of its economy depends on a climate-sensitive
natural resource base, including rain-fed subsistence agriculture. This is an
area of great opportunity for adaptation and mitigation,” Ki-moon said.
Ki-moon commended Africa’s
commitment to speaking with one voice in the negotiations.
“I strongly encourage you to
continue to do so. United, you are a powerful bloc of 54 nations, and your
interests will be better served,” he said.
Various ministers of environment
from across Africa, forwarded their input to the agreement through the Africa
Group of Negotiators (AGN).
One thing that came out clearly
during the ministers’ deliberations with the negotiators, was the call for
Africa to speak with one voice to ensure that its needs are adhered to
especially that Paris delivers a binding agreement.
The ministers stressed that here in
Paris they cannot afford to have another instrument like the Kyoto Protocol
which was voluntary in nature hence enforced at one’s will.
Bright Msaka, Malawian minister of
natural Resources, energy and mining wants the outcome of the Paris climate
change negotiations to be legally binding so that countries do not opt out of
their duty to protect the earth and their people from the adverse effects of
climate change.
“We want a climate agreement that will obligate of all us to do our part. We are all on this one planet hence we cannot allow one country to spoil it for us,” he said.
Msaka added that the Paris outcome
should not have any element of volunteerism as was the case with the Kyoto
Protocol which many rich nations such as the USA refused to ratify.
“If we do not have a binding
agreement, we may as well not have anything,” Msaka said.
According to Msaka, the insistence
by Africa to have a legally binding document is because Africa bears the brunt
of climate change even though its contributions to greenhouse gas emissions is
Those who pollute more appear
unwilling to do more to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Akinwumi Adesina, AfDB
president believes otherwise.
To Adesina, the major and historic
polluters must take a fair share of responsibility not only to cut their
emissions, but also to help the suffering adapt to climate impacts as "all
fingers are not equal."
Uganda’s minister of water and
environment Ephraim Kamuntu said Africa is not in Paris to beg but rather to
demand what it deserves.
“We are not beggars. The financial
obligation we are asking is not charity its climate debt,” he said.
Augustine Njamshi of the Pan African
Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) hailed the stance of the African ministers and
urged them to go all the way in ensuring that the African solidarity is not
broken or compromised at the conference.
"Our ministers must remain
resolute and commited to the common African position. There must be no breaking
of ranks," he added.
Issues of finance, adaptation,
differentiation and loss and damage have dominated the COP21 negotiations, with
Africa insisting that big polluters such as USA and others pay their climate
debt to developing countries in line with its historic responsibility for
climate change which comes with devastating effects on poor nations who have
low capacity to respond and adapt.
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