The CSOs have observed that Africa is been forced to "retreat" from its strong negotiating positions held before the Copenhagen meeting, thus "narrowing" Africa's negotiating space and options and gradually dismantling the UNFCCC regime.
"If we sign any unfair climate agreement next year, and it's not in the interest of Africa, we would have succeeded in condemning our people," stated Robert Chimambo of the Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA).
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has two treaties under the Kyoto Protocol, which commits highly industrialized countries and countries undergoing the process of transition to a market economy to have legally binding emission limitation and reduction commitments. The ultimate objective is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system.
African civil society is worried the issue of mitigation, as understood in the Convention, is being shifted to the disadvantage of developing countries.
"African and other developing countries are being forced to do mitigation at our own cost. This is a complete departure from the spirit and letter of the Convention"
At a meeting with a delegation of political leaders under the CAHOSOCC, the CSOs tasked African Heads of States to muster the political will to exert their role in the negotiation processes.
"Your message is our message... what you are feeling is what we are feeling," noted Dr. Binilith Satano Mahenge, a Minister of State at the Office of Tanzania's Vice President.
He stated African leaders have started moving together to put forth a common position and working with an adopted document highlighting their issues on climate change in line with global agreements.
Dr. Mahenge observed "you can't do anything on adaptation, technology transfer, capacity building if you don't have money."
He commended work done by the African Group of Negotiators (AGN), adding that the presence of African civil society at the COP20 is making a milestone ahead.
"We are at a point that we are able to tell the world and to tell other countries what we want. Let us continue negotiating; let us not be discouraged," he urged.
The CSOs fear current emission reductions on the negotiating table will push Africa's warming to 3-6oC.
"Chad and Niger are currently experiencing well over 40 degree Centigrade temperatures, which means over 50 degrees, increase if Africa accepts proposed low emission cuts by the Developed Countries," said PACJA.
concerns of civil society to ensure people in Africa are not cheated out of the ongoing UN climate talks in Lima, Peru.
Sam Ogallah, also of the Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance said the CSOs are not relenting in pushing the EU and other parties to heed to the African concern for climate justice.Mr. Chimambo believes Africa must reserve its right and prerogative to pull out of the Paris Negotiations if it's given a raw deal in Lima.
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