Aaron yancho kaah

Over the years the Horn of Africa region had face alarming levels of environmental
degradation as a result of unsustainable land mangement and natural resource use. This led to the
dwindling of the natural forest cover
for years leading to an enviromental deterioration according to the Re
greening program cordinator Dr. Almaz Tadesse. "While contributing to the
poorer livelihood conditions, they was increased vulnerability to the climate change impacts
that brought terrible consequences on the people and their resources" Dr Almaz remarked.
It was
within this back drop that the Re- greening
project was established to Appropriately addresse key environmental and social issues in relation to land degradation in the Horn
of Africa. "The challenge was
how to sustainably rehabilitate degraded
ecosystems at landscape levels
and to minimise future damages in the region."Dr. Almaz said.
first implementation plan was to form partnerhsips with relevant stakeholders within the
communities to buttress the programs at the community levels and to ensure the
sustainability of different activities. "At the moment the project has
three locations where the Re greening project is going on in Ethiopia. The
Addsi Ababa Mountain Range, Rift Vlley
and the Gambella" Dr. Almaz continued. The are also prospects to
carry the program to the Northern highlands according to Dr Almaz. The Northern
parts of Ethiopia are experiencing either a lack of proper conservation modules
or soil and land degradation at a high
rate as a result of anthropogenic factors. The stultifying effects of the
climate changes are making things worse.
In the
three main areas where the Re- Greening
projects are taking place, Reforestation is a major activity and a total of
500.000 indegenous tree seedlings have been planted annually over the last
three years. These tree planting projects hold under tree planting ceremonies
involving the concerned communities, according to Dr Almaz. Other livelihood
projects involve the distribution of bee hives and apple tree seedlings to
selected farm families for the improvement of their income and nutrition. "The aim is not only to
enrich the forest and to protect the water sheds from soil erosion, but also to involve logically the beneficary
communities directly in the conservation
of the ecosystems as a means of sustaining their livelihoods"Dr. Almaz
In the
line of events, the Horn of Africa Re
Greening programs has also helped over
the years to organized activties
commemorating world Earth day, the largest
most celebrated environmental
event world wide. "For over 4oyears Earth day commemorated on April 22 has been a valuable tool for inspiring and mobilising citizens and organizations to demonstrate their committment to evironmental
protection and sustainability".Dr Almaz concludes
Re-Greening programs have some short term goals- there are nursing plans to
develop a community base natural forest in the Buska Area and to cordinate a
non timber forest product value chain development projects in the Rift valley and the Gambella forest areas to maximize the
proper conservation of the ecosystems in the whole of Addis-Ababa.
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